Social Commitment
ARPA Foundation
Commitment, closeness, involvement and loyalty are values that identify a way of being of ARPA, a law firm and consultants and, therefore, we wanted to promote a way of fulfilling our social responsibility through Fundación ARPA.
ARPA Foundation was established in 2011 by ARPA A&C, S.L. (ARPA Abogados Consultores) within the framework of the development of the Corporate Social Responsibility program that this firm of consulting professionals has implemented.
Through the Foundation, it is desired to keep alive the commitment of loyalty and fidelity with the social sphere in which its activity takes place, participating in the promotion of human and ethical values, which pursue social justice, solidarity and economic development. as bases that are guarantors of a fairer, more caring, cleaner and more transparent society.
ARPA Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated mainly to:
- Train and bring Law and Economics closer to society.
- Promote education and culture.
- Develop research and innovation activities.
- Carry out actions to promote social welfare.
- Within this framework, the ARPA Foundation develops actions within the field of research, training, social assistance to other Foundations, NGOs or people without resources in need of advice, and especially in the field of entrepreneurship.
In order to obtain the purposes of the Foundation, the following actions will be carried out, without prejudice to its development by the Board of Trustees:
- The organization, promotion and promotion of courses, conferences, congresses and other training activities.
- The elaboration or collaboration in the realization of publications, works and studies.
- The organization or collaboration in the realization of contests, awards, etc.
- Collaboration with cultural and social entities, institutions, programs and activities, as well as their promotion and dissemination.
- Carrying out pro-bono work, as well as patronage, sponsorship and donation activities.
- The impulse of the social economy.
- And, in general, how many other activities are entrusted to it by its Board of Trustees within the objectives and purposes of the Foundation.
This Foundation serves general interests and its beneficiaries will not be individually determined persons, and any persons, natural or legal, who act in the areas related to the purposes of the Foundation and who meet the specific requirements that, in addition, may agree on. the Board of Trustees in carrying out the Foundation’s activities.
The Foundation will act according to criteria of impartiality and non-discrimination in determining its beneficiaries.
ARPA Foundation will be a reference by:
- The quality of its programs, activities and its prestige in the fields of law, economics, education, culture, research, innovation and social welfare.
- Its institutional excellence, based on the stability of its organization and the quality of its management.
- The promotion of the knowledge and approach of the law and the economy to the citizens.
- Quality and continuous improvement of the people and material resources of the Foundation.
Social responsibility: vocation of service to the beneficiaries of the Foundation through the approach of law and the economy, with special emphasis on training. - Transparency: Fundación ARPA makes available to society all the information related to the internal management of the Foundation itself, its activities, origin and destination of funds, governing body, etc.
- Rigor: the Foundation’s work is carried out by highly qualified professionals who are in permanent training and in contact with the Foundation’s beneficiaries.
Estamos convencidos de que no es posible una sociedad justa si se olvida la responsabilidad que todos tenemos en nuestro entorno social.
Así, desarrollando los fines fundacionales de Fundación ARPA, también cumplimos con nuestros valores y, en ejercicio de esa responsabilidad, ayudamos a personas y colectivos, con recursos escasos, que precisan de nuestra presencia y apoyo.
Asimismo, asumimos el compromiso de contribuir, en la medida de nuestras posibilidades, a lograr un desarrollo sostenible a través de acciones que persiguen un impacto positivo en la calidad de vida de nuestros empleados, sus familias, la comunidad local y la sociedad en general.